Джейлбрейк ios 10.3 1 пошаговая инструкция. Полная инструкция по jailbreak для iOS: где скачать и как установить

There are four tools to help you jailbreak iOS 10 – 10.3.3. They’re H3lix, Meridian, g0blin, and Houdini. I’m not joking. You would think that jailbreak is dead. But in reality, it’s not!

Developers within the community have been hard at work to put out multiple jailbreak just for this major firmware release (10.x, 10.3.x, etc).

We have published individual tutorials on how to use these jailbreak apps for your iPhone and iPad. But for some reasons, many people still manage to get confused and messed up their device.

In this post, I’m going to compile some general information about these jailbreak for iOS 10 – 10.3.3 so you can have a better understanding of what they do. Also, download links and instructions will be included.


Let’s first talk about Houdini, the oldest member in the iOS 10 jailbreak series. Houdini was released by developer Abraham Masri or known as @cheesecakeufo. Some of you may know him from his Saïgon jailbreak.

You can use the Houdini jailbreak on any 64-bit devices running iOS 10 – 10.3.2. Noticed how iOS 10.3.3 wasn’t mentioned? That’s because there is no support for the firmware yet.

If your device is running on anything above iOS 10.3.2 I would stay away from Houdini.

There is a written tutorial on how to use Houdini to jailbreak your iPhone and iPad . Please follow it carefully so you don’t brick your device.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Cydia doesn’t come with Houdini. This is a semi-jailbreak and it will only let you perform minor customizations.


Next up we have H3lix, a iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak tool for 32-bit devices. Released by developer tihmstar, H3lix support the following iPhones and iPads:

  • iPod touch 5
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPad mini 1
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 4

3. If you can’t open the jailbreak app on your home screen, be sure to trust its certificate first from the Settings app. More about that .

Изначально при установке оригинальной прошивки у пользователя нет возможности редактировать важные системные файлы, и именно это делает iOS такой безопасной. Однако из-за этого теряется возможность полностью настроить устройство «под себя». Сделать систему открытой позволяет джейлбрейк. В чём же его преимущества?

1) Полный доступ к файловой системе. Можно пользоваться Cydia.

Cydia – приложение для iOS, позволяет устанавливать приложения (твики) на взломанные iPhone, iPod Touch или iPad. Благодаря твикам можно изменить интерфейс iOS, а также значительно расширить функциональность устройства.

2) Возможность установки любых приложений совершенно бесплатно.

В последнее время Jailbreak потерял много приверженцев, во многом из-за того, что Apple внедряет наиболее успешные решения из Cydia в последние версии iOS. Большую роль также сыграла сложность разработки и уход ключевых разработчиков. Тем не менее поставить джейлбрейк всё же можно, если соблюдены следующие условия:

У вас iPhone 5, iPad 4 на iOS 10.0–10.3.3. В этом случае вам подойдет такой инструмент, как H3lix .

Как установить?

1. Скачать ipa-файл с официального сайта разработчика (https://h3lix.tihmstar.net/).
2. Установить с помощью Cydia Impactor. Для этого нужно скачать инструмент с официального сайта: http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/ . Доступны версии как для Windows и Linux, так и для macOS. Устанавливаем и подключаем наше устройство к ПК или Mac. Переносим наш файл H3lix.ipa непосредственно в окно программы.

Далее нужно будет ввести свой Apple ID и пароль к нему.

Это нужно только для того, чтобы подписать приложение вашим персональным сертификатом, привязанным к Apple ID.

Начнётся установка, через некоторое время на устройстве появится наше новое приложение.

3. Запустить программу и нажать единственную кнопку.
4. Немного подождать, произойдет перезапуск рабочего стола iOS.

Всё готово!

Установка проходит так же, как и по вышеуказанной схеме.

Под iOS 11 есть инструмент Electra, однако он находится в стадии бета и в нём отсутствует поддержка Cydia. Поэтому мы советуем повременить с установкой – по крайней мере до выхода стабильной версии. Есть поддержка всех 64-битных устройств с iOS 11.0–11.1.2.

Сайт разработчика —

This is the semi-tethered jailbreak for all the 32-bit devices running iOS 10 to iOS 10.3.3 versions.

Jailbreak app manager to install system rooted apps/tweaks as well as non rooted apps/tweaks. It is compatible with to iOS 10 except iOS 10.3.3.

g0blin is semi-untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 10.3 to iOS 10.3.3.

This is released to jailbreak all iOS 10 running 64-bit devices including iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1

It is better if you can upgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch version to the latest iOS versions. It has latest Jailbreak for these latest versions. Click the following links for more details.

01. Anzhuang for iOS 10.3.1 / iOS 10.3

06 .Meridian jailbreak

Meridian is another Jailbreak method similar to the LiberiOS jailbreak. Ben Sparkes developed the tool using Siguza’s v0rtex exploit and Xerub’s KPPless method.This tool supports to jailbreak all iOS 10 running 64-bit devices.

Fake Jailbreak methods

1) Xig Team iOS 10.3.x Jailbreak

This is the biggest fake Jailbreak news ever found. This Xig team continues tweeted that they are going to release Xig jailbreak tools for iOS 10.3.X. They have published screenshots related to the jailbreak tool as follows and they promised to release tools on 13th September 2017. However, eventually, they escape and have changed their tweet AC name as Tim cook now.

2) Pangu iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak

This is another fake jailbreak method. It has mentioned on the internet, Pangu team has developed this Jailbreak method for iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1 beta versions. Also, it has published the video and we have put Video link below to your attention. As well it has shown Step guides, IPA download link and Compatibility list also. However nothing you can do with this. This is a fake.

3) Yalu103 for iOS 10.3

You can find Yalu103 Jailbreak from the internet and it has mentioned that, the tool was not released officially to the public. They have added Yalu103.IPA download link too. Also, they were saying it was compatible with iOS 10.3 beta 5 and Cydia were not stable with Yalu103. However, this is fake. Don’t run these unwanted type jailbreak and let your device away from fakes.

Cydia for iOS 11.4.1 & iOS 11.3

It is available Electra & Unc0ver semi-untethered to versions. Also, you can install Cydia using Anzhuang or velonzy jailbreak app installer on iOS 11.3, iOS 11.3.1, iOS 11.4 and iOS 11.4.1 versions. Some features may not work with Anzhuang or Velonzy Cydia. Houdini Semi Jailbreak also available to customize iOS 11.3 & iOS 11.3.1 versions.

Для создания джейлбрейка. Теперь поддерживается iOS 10.2, но далеко не всеми устройствами - Yalu102 работает с iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE и iPad Pro.

Как ожидалось, большинство твиков, совместимых с iOS 10.1.1, работает и с iOS 10.2.

Что делать нужно

Внимание : все действия, описанные в статье, вы выполняете на свой страх и риск.

Шаг 1 . Загружаем последнюю версию iTunes .

Шаг 2 . Создаём резервную копию устройства. Это необходимо на случай, если что-нибудь пойдёт не так.

Шаг 3 . Загружаем IPA-файл джейлбрейк-утилиты Yalu102 [Скачать ] и Cydia Impactor [Скачать ].

Шаг 4 . Открываем Cydia Impactor, выбираем подключенное устройство, на которое хотим установить джейлбрейк.

Шаг 5 . Переносим IPA-файл yalu102 в окно Cydia Impactor.

Шаг 7 . Ждём, пока программа загрузит необходимое ПО на ваше устройство.

Не грусти, почти закончили

Шаг 8 . Открываем на iPhone или iPad Настройки –> Основные –> Управление устройством . Выбираем сертификат разработчика и два раза нажимаем Доверять .

Шаг 9 . Переходим на рабочий стол, тапаем по иконке Yalu102. Появится предупреждение, что место почти закончилось - это нормально .

После всех манипуляций гаджет перезагрузится и на рабочем столе появится значок Cydia. Если с первого раза не вышло, запустите ещё раз Yalu102.

Поздравляем, вы кулхацкеры взломали iOS 10.2! Приятного пользования.

Поставьте оценку:

(Нет голосов)

After almost seven months of its release, iOS 10.3-10.3.3 firmware now has a jailbreak for 64-bit devices. Here’s how you can download and install g0blin jailbreak on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Table of Contents

What is g0blin?

g0blin is an iOS 10.3-10.3.3 jailbreak for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices with 64-bit chipsets. It is developed by the eminent developers Sticktron and Jake James.

It currently works on the following versions only -

  • 10.3.1
  • 10.3.2
  • 10.3.3

g0blin utilizes Luca Todesco’s yalu102 KPP bypass and . This tool is a work in progress but you can use Cydia now as Jake added the “jailbreakd” daemon to this tool.

Cydia and Substrate are now working like they should. This tool doesn’t require a Substrate update.


Here’s the complete compatibility list of this tool with various firmware versions and devices.


  • iPhone 5S (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPhone 6S/6S Plus (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPhone SE (10.3-10.3.3)


  • iPad Mini 3 (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPad Mini 4 (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPad Air 2 (10.3-10.3.3)
  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch 1st generation (10.3.3)

Incompatible devices

  • As of now, a few devices and firmware are not supported due to missing offsets. Once the developers add the necessary offsets, you will be able to use this tool. If you have an incompatible device or iOS version, just wait for an update.
  • Devices having a chipset different than A7-A9 are incompatible.
  • iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus are incompatible as yalu102’s KPP bypass doesn’t support them.
  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, and iPad 5 are not supported.
  • iPhone 8/8+ and iPhone X are incompatible as they ship with iOS 11 only.

Future support

The developer will add support for these devices in the next version -

  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch 1st gen (10.3-10.3.2)
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Pro 9.7-inch

Download g0blin jailbreak

  • RC 2 with Dropbear SSH client (unofficial file by arinc9)
  • RC2 (latest official IPA file)
  • RC1 (obsolete)
  • RC0 (obsolete)
  • IPA file (by xPeeks)
  • Version 3 (white screen error)
  • Version 2 (glitchy)
  • Version 1 (obsolete)


  • RC 2 with Dropbear SSH client released by arinc9. If you are on RC2, use the reinstall bootstrap with this version.
  • RC2 is out. It offers better compatibility and fixes respring panics and Cydia not showing on the home screen. You must install OpenSSH because Dropbear is no longer present in this update.
  • A new version by developer xPeeks is out. Apps such as Filza and MTerminal that require root access won’t work properly. It fixes the white screen glitch in Cydia.
  • Version 3 is out. It fixes the white screen glitch in Cydia.
  • Cydia doesn’t update the UI properly right now so wait for version 2.
  • Version 2 is out now.


  • A compatible 64-bit iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
  • iOS 10.3-10.3.3 firmware
  • A computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux
  • Cydia Impactor
  • Internet connection

How to jailbreak iOS 10.3-10.3.3 with g0blin

Step 1 Connect your iOS device to your computer.

Step 2 Start Cydia Impactor tool. If you don’t have it already, download it from this .

Step 3 Download the g0blin version 1 IPA file from the link above to your desktop.

Step 4 Drag this file onto Impactor’s window to start the sideloading process.

Step 5 Impactor will now ask you for your Apple ID details. Enter your email and password.

Step 6 Wait for it to complete the installation process. Once the sideload process is over, the app will appear on your home screen.

Step 7 Disconnect your device from the computer.

Step 8 Opening the app will result in the “Untrusted Developer certificate” error. Therefore, you must go to Settings > General > Profiles & Device Management and verify this app’s certificate first.

Step 9 Run the g0blin jailbreak application from your home screen. If it reboots your device or doesn’t work at the very first try, keep retrying for at least 10-15 times.

Step 10 Wait for it to inject the exploit onto your device. Once it’s done, it will display the following message.

Step 11 You can now run Cydia from your home screen.

v3 users

  • Remember, the app will alert you about when it’s safe to open Cydia. DO NOT respring via Cydia.
  • You must use the respring button in the g0blin jailbreak application to ensure tweaks and MobileSubstrate work properly (this applies only to v3 users).
  • If you are using version 3, constantly switch between Cydia and the jailbreak app in the app switcher. This will ensure Cydia works instead of showing a white screen.
  • As of now, applications that require root access such as Filza are not fully compatible. The upcoming versions will hopefully fix this issue.
  • If you are still using v3 or older versions, upgrade to the file by xPeeks.

xPeeks version users

  • You don’t need to respring.
  • Filza now works.
  • If you are getting a white screen in Cydia, simply press “i” icon at the top. Enable force-reinstall bootstrap and save. Run the jailbreak app again.

How to re-jailbreak your device after reboot

After each reboot, Cydia and all your tweaks will stop working. Therefore, you must re-jailbreak your device to make them work again.

Since a lot of users were asking about how to re-enable the jailbreak, here’s a step-by-step tutorial that lets you do just that.

  • Open the g0blin app.
  • Press the Jailbreak button.
  • Your tweaks will now start working again.
  • After every 7 days, you must sign the app with Cydia Impactor again by following the steps above. You can also use for on-device signing without a computer.

For more jailbreak tools and scene updates, give us a like on Facebook and Twitter.